Baby Steps
We had a milestone moment in our home last week. My baby Jane took her FIRST STEP!
She was standing last week in her room, and I was holding a toy out in front of her. She kept her eyes glued on the toy and boom, her little foot moved forward. I cheered and clapped and called for her daddy to run in the room. It was tiny, but it was a step! Luckily she did it again for daddy!
She still prefers to crawl everywhere, but she is getting more confident with her little baby steps!
I was just so proud of her. I felt so much joy in my heart and swooped her up and kissed her little cheeks.
I want to encourage you that this is how God the Father looks at us. When you take baby steps of obedience and pursue your dreams, He is cheering with heaven. God is a proud parent.
"When we take the step, He isn't surprised when we stumble, nor is He angry when we fall. He ruses toward us and scoops us into His arms.... God delights in our every move, every brave step, no matter how small. Go make yours." - Bob Goff, Live in Grace, Walk in Love.
What small step have you taken lately that God could be proud of?
What step are you going to take this week?
I believe the BEST is yet to come for you. The tricky part of this truth is we don't know how "the best" is going to arrive.
We know God has a plan for us... but what is it?
When is God going to answer this prayer?
How does the path lead to my destination?
We stare ahead into the unknown of this year and your lives and it can feel like we are staring into a fog. Have you ever felt this way? The future is so unclear.
When you are caught in the fog, and life is full of question marks, the one thing you can see is your feet. You can see just far enough to take the next step. You can trust God and take your baby step friend! Cultivate your childlike faith and keep your eyes fixed on him. God is with you.
Want to get practical?
Focus Training:
Need a practical tool to help you priorities time towards a big goal of yours? I created a video recently sharing my new favorite productivity hack to GET.STUFF.DONE. It breaks down a baby step for you. Watch here.
Project Roadmap Resource:
Ready to breakdown a BIG project into baby steps? Check out our project journal! Shop here!
Life Dreams:
Ready to set your dreams for 2020? Shop our 2020 Dream Planners here. When you purchase a Dream Planner, you also get access to our resources library and step-by-step tutorials to help you set up your planner.
Business Coaching:
Want to take a baby step towards owning your own business or growing the one you have? My small business coaching class kicks off the first week of April! You can sign up here to get on the waitlist.