A note from our founder:

Hello Horacio Printing Family!

Here is my 2017 booklist! Have you read any of these already?! I would love to hear what you think. 

My 2017 Reading List By Author

Dr. Caroline Leaf

I heard Dr. Caroline Leaf speak at a recent conference in Miami and I was blown away. This is typically how I find out about most authors I enjoy like Erwin McManus, Christine Caine, and Bobbie Houston. I hear them at a conference or church and fall in love with their heart and message, then find as much material I can! Dr. Caroline Leaf is revolutionary. I can’t wait to get into her material. Check her out here.

Bobbie Houston

I have read 2 of Bobbie’s books and I love her spirit, joy and humor. You can hear her bubbly personality on each page. I was so thankful to get this book at Colour Conference! 

Alice Fryling

This book was recommend by my dear friend Caroline Williams who is leading my female entrepreneur masterminds group. It offers poignant advice on how to lead a spiritual group, so if you are leading or plan to lead a small group or course of any sort it is a great investment!



My list is SHORT and SWEET this year, largely because I have a couple books from the past that I still need to read. Before you hop over there I have 3 books that I found during 2016 and REALLY enjoyed. Here they are! 


Gems I Found This Year

Bill Johnson

This one should be on the top of your list. A dear friend of mine mailed it to me out of the blue, and it arrived at the perfect time to help lift me out of a difficult season. In this book Bill Johnson, of Bethel Church, layouts you tools of strengthening yourself in the Lord. I have read this book twice, and I don’t think I will ever stop. Go get it.

Shirzad Chamine

This secular book was a recommendation from Tony Robbins. I am a big Robbins fan after taking his business mastery course over the summer. I am halfway through this book already and very impressed by how simple and direct it is. As a Christian you have to fill in some gaps, as you know that your mind is created in the image of God. If you look beyond that and fully take on the teaching you will find a major breakthrough in overcoming limiting mindsets! 

Marie Kondo

This book fell into my hands last year and I loved it! Cons: lots of emphasis on your ‘things’, and as a Christian we are not supposed to treat our things like people, they are earthly possessions. Pros: My house is so much calmer, cleaner and simply at peace! I learned to let go of a lot of things and this removal allowed for mental clarity. I really enjoyed her personality and practical knowledge. I ended up finding that getting rid of stuff was as fun as shopping! (crazy right?) I also know how to shop better because of her teaching… so yay!


Now for the old recommendations! Click here to see my favorite books from 2015 & 2016 as well as books that have rolled over into my 2017 list.

Happy Reading! 


January 31, 2017 — Polly Payne

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