Day One : A21 Crash Course & Bible Study
Hello Friend!
We are so thankful that you are taking time out of your day to start the 3 Day A21 Crash Course and Bible Study. This will only take about 20-25 mins. Grab your bible and a blank sheet of paper and let's jump right in! We recommend finding a quiet place and removing any and all distractions.
MISSION - A21 is on a mission to abolish injustice in the 21st century by fighting Human Trafficking.
ISSUE - What exactly is Human Trafficking?
Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings, mainly for the purposes of forced labor and sex trafficking. As the world's fastest growing criminal industry, it affects every nation across the globe. Every 30 seconds, someone becomes a victim of this modern-day slavery; that means that during the short period of time is takes to complete this course, 40 new victims will find themselves sold into slavery. There are more slaves in the world today than at any other point in human history, with an estimated 27 million in bondage across the globe. Men, women, and children are being exploited for manual and sexual labor against their will. The average age of a victim is 12 years old.
A21’s SOLUTION - A21’s solution has four parts:
Prevention, Protection, Prosecution, and Partnership
Prevention - The key to prevention is education. Information empowers the next generation so that they will take steps to prevent becoming a victim -- and thus reducing the demand. A21 has created a curriculum to be used to educate potential victims of human trafficking in schools, orphanages, and universities. A21 also raises awareness about human trafficking within community groups, churches, and universities globally through the A21 Prevention and Awareness Program and the ShineHope human trafficking prevention program.
Protection - A21 protects survivors of human trafficking by providing a safe environment and by running restoration programs in aftercare facilities. The initial phase of protection is the rescue. A21 has global human trafficking hotlines! A21 supports local law enforcement, the FBI, and other governmental agencies in the areas of training, investigations, and data collection. The second phase of protection is restoration. Once someone is rescued they are not immediately ‘free.’ They will face a daunting journey to become acclimated back to society. A21 chooses to come alongside survivors to they are restored physically and emotionally. A21 provides education, vocational training, and repatriation assistance to equip survivors for a new and independent future.
Prosecution - A21 works to prosecute traffickers, provide survivors with legal counsel, and strengthen the legal response to human trafficking. A21 provides access to legal counsel to the survivors in their care. A21 also helps guide changes to legislation that will provide a more comprehensive suit of laws to protect victims and ensure traffickers are held accountable for their crimes.
Partnership - Together we can go further! A21 depends on the partnership of fundraising supporters, governmental agencies, and community members to see injustice abolished. They need people to spread the news, support the cause and work together with the government to make changes!
We found this interview with Christine Caine from 2013, where she spoke to Crosswalk about A21 and how she discovered this mission. We hope you enjoy this spiritual shot of espresso from Christine Caine.
If you want to read the whole story go pick up her book Undaunted! We highly recommend it.
We have already covered a lot, and now it is time to reflect and spend time in God’s word. Open up your bible to Romans Chapter 15. We are going to do a SOAP bible study with a couple of extra questions added. Grab a blank journal to write down your answers or click here to download our soap template.
- Read Romans Chapter 15:3-6.
- Write down the verse or phrase that really pops out for you.
- What did you observe in the passage you just read?
- What did you observe in the A21 Lesson and the video you watched? Quickly write any observations and connections you are feeling in your heart.
- What action can you take today to live this passage?
- Are you going to commit to finishing this crash course? If so, declare this action in writing.
- Write your individual prayer to God.
- Together we are praying for deliverance, freedom, strength. Feel free to pray over the A21 team, the current survivors, and current captives.
“When I called, you answered me; you greatly emboldened me.” Psalm 138:3
Thank you so much for day one! We know that together we can go further! God is with you and we love you! Tune in tomorrow - same time - for your Day Two crash course! You are ⅓ rd of the way there!
Polly & The Horacio Planner Crew